
会社名Company Ridecell
カテゴリCategories Automotive
事業内容Business Overview


Ridecell empowers mobility operators, including OEMs, car rental, fleets,etc for maximize the ride/carsharing and autonomous fleet services.


1. Fast time-to-market. Ridecell customers can launch a standalone carsharing, ridesharing, or car rental service—or a service that offers all three from within a single integrated app experience—in a far shorter time than it would take to develop the solution themselves. Customers that use one fleet of cars for multiple purposes get higher vehicle utilization and, in turn, generate more profit.

2. White label. Because the Ridecell platform is designed for rebranding, each Ridecell customer can launch a new mobility service with their brand clearly embedded in the consumer experience without needing to develop their own app.

3.End-to-end. The Ridecell solution automates every part of managing a ridesharing or carsharing operation, including onboarding new riders/drivers, driver record verification, dynamic pricing and promotions, driver-rider matching, scheduling, demand-supply balancing, real-time alerts, payment processing, and comprehensive analytics.

4.Software specialists. Most carsharing solution providers make both hardware and software. Because most OEMs want to leverage their own connectivity hardware initiatives, they are much less interested in using third-party telematics hardware. Ridecell is a software only company that works with multiple built in and aftermarket hardware platforms to power the new mobility initiatives. For example, with ReachNow, Ridecell integrates with the built-in connectivity on BMW and Mini models. Ridecell also integrates with third party hardware for fleets such as GIG by AAA where their fleet of Toyota Prius did not come with pre-installed telematics hardware. This flexibility provides a strategic advantage for OEMs and other mobility providers who want the best mobility platform and one that works with built-in connectivity solutions.

設立年Founded 2009年
資金調達金額Equity Funding (US Million Dollar) $45.8 M (Series B / Mitsui & Co, Denso, Khosla Ventures, BMW, i Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, General Catalyst, Y Combinator)
日本企業に期待することExpectation from Japanese corporations 情報の掲載期間は終了しました
(部署 / 役職)Participant
URL https://ridecell.com/




  • 日本展開の現在の状況をお聞かせください。Current Status of Japanese Expansion
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  • どのような日本展開の戦略を描いていますか?Strategy for Japanese expansion
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  • どのような業種の日本企業と商談を希望しますか?Target areas for expansion in the Japanese market
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