
会社名Company Dialpad
カテゴリCategories Enterprise Software
事業内容Business Overview


Dialpad’s product suite covers the full range of modern business communications needs all powered by VoiceAI.


Dialpad has experienced dramatic growth over the past year, ranking 222nd on the Deloitte Fast 500 list, raising $67 million in combined Series C and Series D capital, and acquiring real-time artificial intelligence and natural language processing leader, TalkIQ. The company also increased the depth of its leadership bench with the addition of a new CMO, CRO, Chief HR Officer and General Manager of VoiceAI.
From a product perspective, Dialpad doubled down on its mission to make business communications great by expanding service into Japan and Canada, enhancing integrations with Zendesk, Okta and G Suite, and launching Call Center for mid-size customer support teams.
However its biggest stand-out moment came with the launch of VoiceAI, a new feature to the Dialpad product suite designed to help businesses capture and learn from conversations as they happen. Initial capabilities of VoiceAI include:
• Real-time Call Transcription
• Smart Notes that capture action items, follow-ups and important moments from every voice conversation to make workers more efficient.
• Real-time Sentiment Analysis to identify positive and negative intent signals in client conversations and calculate customer satisfaction scores for 100 percent of calls.
• Real-time Coaching for sales and support teams to increase efficiency and decrease ramp time by providing real-time recommendations to representatives.

設立年Founded 2011年
資金調達金額Equity Funding (US Million Dollar) $120 M (Series D / GV, Andreessen Horowitz, ICONIQ Capital)
日本企業に期待することExpectation from Japanese corporations 情報の掲載期間は終了しました
(部署 / 役職)Participant
URL https://www.dialpad.com/




  • 日本展開の現在の状況をお聞かせください。Current Status of Japanese Expansion
  • 情報の掲載期間は終了しました
  • どのような日本展開の戦略を描いていますか?Strategy for Japanese expansion
  • 情報の掲載期間は終了しました
  • どのような業種の日本企業と商談を希望しますか?Target areas for expansion in the Japanese market
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