- 2017.11.28(火) - 29(水)
- スタンフォード大学
Silicon Valley × Japan
Real Matching
「Silicon Valley - New Japan Summit」は、シリコンバレーのスタートアップと日本企業をつなぐ招待制の2Dayサミット。シリコンバレーのスタートアップ100社を現地取材するメディア「The SV Startups 100」 と、スタンフォード大学アジア太平洋研究所「Stanford Silicon Valley - New Japan Project」、一般社団法人日本能率協会が連携し、シリコンバレーのエコシステムの中核を担うスタンフォード大学にて開催します。シリコンバレーのスタートアップと日本企業が直接商談できるBiz-Devブース、日米企業の連携事例から刺激と知見を得ることができるトークセッションを用意しています。本サミットを通じて、シリコンバレーのスタートアップと日本企業のコラボレーションを創出します。
また約60社のスタートアップが1社ずつブースを設け、参加者は個別に商談できます。(11/29午後) -
Day1 - 11.28 (火)日本語(同時通訳なし)
櫛田 健児
Research Scholar
Stanford University APARC
櫛田 健児
Research Scholar
Stanford University APARC
1978年生まれ、東京育ち。父親が日本人で母親がアメリカ人の日米ハーフ。2001年6月にスタンフォード大学経済学部東アジア研究学部卒業(学士)、2003年6月にスタンフォード大学東アジア研究部修士課程修了、2010年8月にカリフォルニア大学バークレー校政治学部博士課程修了。情報産業や政治経済を研究。現在はスタンフォード大学アジア太平洋研究所研究員、「Stanford Silicon Valley - New Japan Project」のプロジェクトリーダーを務める。おもな著書に『シリコンバレー発 アルゴリズム革命の衝撃』(朝日新聞出版)、『バイカルチャーと日本人 英語力プラスαを探る』(中公新書ラクレ)、『インターナショナルスクールの世界(入門改訂版)』(アマゾンキンドル電子書籍)がある。
西城 洋志
Yamaha Motor Ventures & Laboratory Silicon Valley Inc.
西城 洋志
Yamaha Motor Ventures & Laboratory Silicon Valley Inc.
九州大学工学部卒業後、ヤマハ発動機株式会社に入社。約20年に渡り表面実装技術とロボット事業においてソフトウェア開発、ソリューション開発および新事業開発に従事。2014年5月よりYamaha Motor Corporation, USA のNew Venture Business Developmentの部長となり、その時期にシリコンバレーのエコシステムを活用した新事業開発の企画・戦略立案を行う。2015年7月にYamaha Motor Ventures & Laboratory Silicon Valley Inc.設立し、ベンチャー企業への投資を含めた新事業開発活動を行っている。また、そのうちの1つとしてMOTOBOTプロジェクトというモーターサイクルを自動運転するロボットの開発をリードしている。
前田 浩伸
Managing Director
Draper Nexus
前田 浩伸
Managing Director
Draper Nexus
慶應義塾大学SFC卒後、住友商事のコーポレートベンチャーキャピタルPresidio Ventures(プレシディオベンチャーズ;米サンタクララ)にて、自身のベンチャーキャピタリストとしてのキャリアをスタートさせる。2006年米Globespan Capital Partners(グローブスパンキャピタルパートナーズ)入社。日米ベンチャー企業への投資業務、ビジネスディベロップメントに関する知見を広める。Palo Alto Networks(パロアルトネットワークス)は前田が日本市場でのビジネス立ち上げを成功させた米国企業の一つである。 IT 、ウェブサービスへの投資経験が豊富で、特にセキュリティー、モバイル、オンラインストレージサービス、アドテクノロジー分野への投資に強い。
楠谷 勝
Head of Digital Innovation
楠谷 勝
Head of Digital Innovation
内田 知宏
Director of Business Development and Alliance
Hitachi Solutions America
内田 知宏
Director of Business Development and Alliance
Hitachi Solutions America
2001年日立ソフトウェアエンジニアリング株式会社(現:日立ソリューションズ)にSE職で入社。その後プリセールス、プロセス改善コンサルタント職を経て、 英国子会社在籍時の2010年に、欧州通信事業者と共同での新規事業立上げを主導。日本帰国後、2014年にも新規の国内事業を立上げ、その後該当事業の推進役として新規顧客獲得に貢献。2016年1月より米シリコンバレーにてスタートアップとのオープンイノベーションやパートナーシップによる事業拡大に従事。
多屋 公平
Vice President
IHI Inc.
多屋 公平
Vice President
IHI Inc.
2005年にIHIへ入社し、以降、GXロケットや新型ロケットエンジンの開発や次世代宇宙システムの概念設計などに参画。2015年よりIHI Inc.(米州IHI)へ出向。シリコンバレーに駐在し、主としてRobotics、Additive Manufacturing、AI、宇宙などの分野で、スタートアップ企業とIHIとの提携を中心とした新事業・新サービスの推進を担当。2005年ジョージア工科大学大学院修了(航空宇宙工学)。2013年より技術士(航空宇宙)。2013年,2014年と日本航空宇宙学会宇宙航行部門委員。
千本 倖生
千本 倖生
京都大学工学部電子工学科卒業、フロリダ大学Ph.D。日本電信電話公社(現在の NTT)入社、その後、1984年に第二電電株式会社(現在の KDDI)を稲盛和夫氏らと共同創業し、専務取締役、取締役副社長を歴任。1995年に慶應義塾大学、大学院教授に就任。1999年にはイー・アクセス株式会社を創業。代表取締役社長、代表取締役会長などを歴任。2005年イー・モバイル株式会社を設立し、代表取締役会長CEOに就任、同社の拡大をリードしてきた。2014年4月に株式会社レノバ社外取締役に就任。2015年8月より代表取締役会長に就任。
琴 章憲
琴 章憲
1999年関西大学工学部建築学科卒業後、ゼネコンで現場監督を担当するも9ヶ月で退社し、2000年からプログラマーに転身。2003年にデジタルガレージ入社後、WEBプロデューサーとしてクライアントの各種サービス立ち上げに従事。2008年に同社のシリコンバレーオフィス設立のため単身渡米。投資先であったTwitter米国本社に2010年から常駐し日本展開を支援。その後、新規投資案件の発掘も本格的に開始し、Intercom、Udemyなどの投資案件を30件以上手がけた。2014年からWiLの創業に参画。VR/AR、ビットコイン分野への投資業務に加え、日本企業とのオープンイノベーションを促進するため、デザイン思考や各種ワークショップを取り入れた企業幹部向け研修や、経産省とのイノベーター育成プロジェクト「始動Next Innovator」を担当する。
木下 雅博
Panasonic Ventures
木下 雅博
Panasonic Ventures
パナソニックベンチャーズ 社長、パナソニック株式会社 ベンチャー戦略室 室長
公認会計士、神戸大学 経済学部卒 -
関谷 英里子
関谷 英里子
実践的な内容で好評を得たNHKラジオ「入門ビジネス英語」元講師。「英語でしゃべらナイト」などテレビ出演多数。最新刊『みんな使える!こなれた英語201フレーズ』ほか、『カリスマ同時通訳者が教えるビジネスパーソンの英単語帳』『同時通訳者の頭の中』など著作多数。慶応義塾大学経済学部、スタンフォード大学経営大学院卒業。伊藤忠商事、ロレアルを経て日本通訳サービスを開業 -
杉本 直樹
Honda R&D Innovations, Inc.
杉本 直樹
Honda R&D Innovations, Inc.
1984年東京大学工学部機械工学科卒業。リクルートに入社し、情報誌事業のインターネット事業化に参画。1996年UCバークレーMBA修了。YYplanet.comを設立し、President & CEOに就任。2005年にHonda Research Institute USA, Inc.に入社。2011年よりHonda Silicon Valley LabのSenior Program Directorを務める。2017年4月、Honda R&D Innovations, Inc.、CEO就任。株式会社本田技術研究所の執行役員も兼任。
冨樫 良一
CTO室 技術イノベーション企画部長
冨樫 良一
CTO室 技術イノベーション企画部長
Day2 - 11.29 (水)英語(同時通訳あり)
松﨑 正年
松﨑 正年
1950年東京都生まれ。1976年 東京工業大学大学院 総合理工学研究科 修了後、小西六写真工業株式会社(のちのコニカ株式会社)に入社。コーポレート研究開発部門、技術企画部門を経て、主に情報機器(プリンター、デジタル複合機)の製品開発、商品企画に携わる。コニカとミノルタの経営統合以降は、分社体制下で、情報機器事業会社取締役 制御開発本部長、持株会社執行役として研究開発機能会社社長、取締役兼務常務執行役として技術戦略担当を歴任後、2009年4月に代表執行役社長に就任。2014年4月より取締役会議長に就任し、現在に至る。
西川 孝司
Panasonic Ventures LLC
西川 孝司
Panasonic Ventures LLC
東京工業大学修士課程 を1992年に終了しパナソニック入社。半導体材料の技術者としてそのキャリアをスタートし社員生活は25年に及ぶ。2008年から2012年にもシリコンバレーに駐在。この夏再度、こちらに拠点を移し先端技術、先端ビジネスモデルの発掘に取り組んでいる。
Greg Mulholland
Citrine Informatics
Greg Mulholland
Citrine Informatics
Greg Mulholland is a co-founder and CEO of Citrine Informatics. He works with partners along the materials value chain to use state of the art data science techniques to identify areas of improvement and optimization in advanced materials discovery and production. He holds an MBA Master of Business Administration from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, a MPhil in Materials Science from Cambridge University, and Bachelors of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NC State University. In 2015, Greg was featured as one of the Forbes 30 Under 30 in Energy for his work with energy materials at Citrine.
Daichi Nozaki
Chief Operating Officer
SoftBank Telecom America Corp.
Daichi Nozaki
Chief Operating Officer
SoftBank Telecom America Corp.
Daichi Nozaki is a highly experienced Telecom Professional with over 20 years of proven track record of running global business operations. He often acts as a catalyst to provide operational expertise and is keen in identifying, cultivating, and expanding strategic partnerships to deliver high business value globally.
Daichi partook in forming a joint venture with Aeris, a pioneer and leader in the Internet of Things (IoT) market in 2016. Through this joint venture, Aeris Japan will develop and offer services to meet a variety of growing needs. Earlier this year, Daichi was also one of the key members in forming a joint venture with Boston based global Big Data and AI start-up, Findability Sciences. The platform designed by Findability allows customers including retail, human resources, insurance, banking and financial industry, etc. in Japan to find optimal solutions to support their increasingly complex needs.
Prior to joining SoftBank, Daichi held multiple positions at KDD Corp. Including managing the Service Planning Department. He joined KDDI Global, LLC through a merger where he led several departments including Strategic Alliance and M&A, Global Wholesale, and then moved on to serve as the President & Chief Operating Officer and serving as a member of the board.
Daichi was born in Kyoto, Japan and spent most of his time in Osaka before moving to the US. He studied at Kobe University in Kobe,Japan and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Law. -
Marc Jones
Marc Jones
Marc Jones is one of Silicon Valley’s most innovative technology entrepreneurs. As Chairman and CEO of Aeris, Marc and his team have spent over a decade helping the world’s largest companies fundamentally improve their businesses through the Internet of Things (IoT). Named by Goldman Sachs as one of the nation’s best entrepreneurs in 2012 and 2013, Marc has a unique and textured background spanning securities law, investment banking and executive leadership. Prior to Aeris, Marc served as the Chairman and CEO of Visionael, a leader in enterprise network management and automation, raising over $40M to fuel their rapid growth. In his early thirties, he served as President and COO of Madge Networks, where he helped to turn a young $40M revenue company into a $500M industry leader. Madge’s successfulIPO took place during Marc’s tenure. Early in his career, Marc also served as the Senior Vice President of Corporate Finance for the investment banking firm L.F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Twobin, and as a corporate attorney for Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro. In addition to his professional work, Marc is known for his deep commitment to the non-profit sector. He currently serves as the Chair of Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) and sits on the board of the California Health Care Foundation. He previously sat on the Board of Visitors for Stanford Law School, the Stanford Athletic Board, and the Board of Working Partnerships USA. In addition, Marc served as Chair of the National Cyber Security Partnership’s Enterprise Task Force and in 2004, testified before Congress on Cyber Security. He has also testified before Congress on Sarbanes-Oxley. Marc holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Stanford University and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.
Joseph Huang
Joseph Huang
Joseph is the CEO of StartX, which, in partnership with Stanford University and Stanford Health Care, provides the training grounds for Stanford-affiliated entrepreneurs. Joseph was formerly co-founder and CEO of WiFiSLAM, a StartX 2011 company acquired by Apple in March 2013. At Apple Joseph’s team led iBeacon, iOS Wi-Fi location, and sensor fusion divisions before joining StartX in 2016. Joseph has a graduate degree in Computer Science from Stanford University.
David Gurle
David Gurle
Author, inventor and leader, David’s ideas have influenced the major trends in enterprise communications over the last 15 years. He defined Microsoft’s unified communications strategy (Skype for Business) and as head of collaboration services at Thomson Reuters introduced federated communications to the financial services industry. Before founding Perzo/Symphony, he was VP and GM of Skype’s Enterprise Business. In terms of Symphony's current status in the Japanese market and strategy for expansion, we have just hired our first Tokyo-based employee who will be focused on engaging and expanding the Japanese Symphony community. APAC as a region has been a primary focus for the company throughout 2017, underscored with David's move to Singapore earlier this year.
Samrah Khan
Vice President of Business Development
Instart Logic
Samrah Khan
Vice President of Business Development
Instart Logic
Samrah is responsible for all Business Development and Partnership functions at Instart Logic. Prior to Instart, Samrah was with MuleSoft, where she was responsible for Strategic Global Partnerships that focused on driving channel revenue via sales and services. Earlier at MuleSoft, she also focused on alliances for go to market of joint MuleSoft cloud solutions with ISV’s. Before MuleSoft, she spent 7 years at TeleNav that went public in 2010. At TeleNav she held variety of client facing roles ranging from technical sales to business development that focused on large Telcos and OEMs in the mobile space. Samrah has a BS in Computer Science from Santa Clara University.
Jordi Torras
Jordi Torras
Jordi Torras is the CEO and Founder of Inbenta, a company that specializes in natural language processing and semantic search to improve the customer experience. Jordi started his entrepreneurial career in 1997 with the foundation of SBD, a Barcelona-based professional services firm that was acquired in 2004 by Alten Technologies. He then founded Inbenta in 2005 to help companies improve online relationships with their customers. Today, Inbenta's patented technology helps to greatly reduce incoming customer service emails and call center calls for industry-leading companies around the globe, including Ticketmaster, NTT Communications and Skyscanner.
Ramsey Pryor
Head of International Expansion
Ramsey Pryor
Head of International Expansion
Ramsey is Branch's Head of International Expansion. He spearheads our worldwide growth initiatives including Branch’s ambassador and evangelist programs. Through these programs, Branch is able to engage with mobile marketers and developers from around the world, and help them grow their apps through deep linking and best practices. Prior to Branch, Ramsey has held various leadership roles in Product Management at companies including IBM, Outblaze, and Register.com. He started his career as a consultant at Accenture and holds an MBA from IESE Business School and a BA in Economics from Northwestern University.
Christian Sanz
Christian Sanz
Christian Sanz, Founder & CEO of Skycatch, is a serial entrepreneur and U.S. navy, Special Forces veteran with over 20 years of experience in software engineering and technical leadership. Prior to founding Skycatch, Christian launched several successful startups and established one of the largest and most popular drone competitions in the world, Drone Games.
Skycatch, Inc. captures High Precision Drone Data, with the inclusion of deep learning and artificial intelligence, to provide the most accurate, reliable and scalable solutions. Their mission is to create visual intelligence that powers some of the most complex projects for industrial strength clients in construction, agriculture, solar energy and more. Christian's vision for Skycatch to pioneer the aerial data space and help people operate faster, smarter and with accuracy, has led them to incorporate the most cutting edge technology into their products.
Christian Sanz speaks, writes and provides thought leadership on High Precision Drone Data in relation to the following topics: deep learning, software automation, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. -
Tomer Poran
The lead of Business Development
Tomer Poran
The lead of Business Development
Tomer Poran leads the business development for the construction market at Matterport ($65M in funding, DCM, Qualcomm, Felicis, Lux and more) bringing a low-cost, high-speed, easy to use reality capture and VR to the construction sector. Prior to that he was an associate at DraperNexus Ventures (a US-Japan cross-border firm) while getting his MBA at UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business. Tomer is originally from Israel, where before moving to the US he led a GIS services company, worked for Bain & Company in Tel-Aviv, founded his own venture funded e-commerce startup and served for 3.5 years as a naval officer on a missile ship.
Will Chan
VP of Engineering
Rancher Labs
Will Chan
VP of Engineering
Rancher Labs
Will is a co-founder and Vice President of Engineering at Rancher Labs. Prior to Rancher, Will was Director of Engineering for the Cloud Platforms group at Citrix System after their acquisition of Cloud.com, where he held a similar position and was one of the original founding engineers. Will has over 15 years of experience of building massively scalable software for large enterprises and telcos and has held lead engineering positions at SEVEN Networks, Openwave Systems, and Cambridge Technology Partners. Will has a B.S (EECS) from the University of California, Berkeley.
Jaron Waldman
Jaron Waldman
Jaron Waldman is a lifelong entrepreneur and builder of things. Jaron previously founded Placebase, a Los Angeles based location technology company that was acquired by Apple in 2009. After the acquisition Jaron spent 4 years at Apple leading a team that developed location-based services across the Apple ecosystem. He became fascinated with the potential of location technology in the nascent era of Mobile commerce, prompting him to leave Apple in 2013 and co-found Curbside. Jaron holds degrees from UCLA and the University of Toronto and lives in Palo Alto.
Bryan Wargo
SVP Global Sales
Bryan Wargo
SVP Global Sales
Bryan Wargo is SVP Global Sales at Narvar, bringing 20+ years of leadership experience in high tech and fast growth environments. He has a proven track record building business development and sales strategies, and a solid reputation in the retail technology space. Prior to joining Narvar, Bryan was Head of Worldwide Sales at RetailNext and held executive positions at Aruba Networks and Nearbuy Systems. Bryan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Santa Clara University.
Stephen Miller
SVP of Engineering
Stephen Miller
SVP of Engineering
Stephen is the SVP of Engineering and Co-Founder at Fyusion, overseeing all engineering efforts. Before Fyusion, Stephen was a PhD student and Hertz Foundation Google Fellow in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University, working with Dr. Sebastian Thrun while co-maintaining the Point Cloud Library (PCL).
Eric Rosenthal
Head of Business Development
Eric Rosenthal
Head of Business Development
Eric is a Fintech and Emerging Markets veteran who has spent the last ten years working across Latin America, Asia and Europe prior to returning to his home country, the US. Eric has worked for in corporate venture capital for First Data and Citigroup where he led partnerships with, and investments in Fintech start-ups and other emerging payments and technology companies, including helping define First Data’s role in launching Apple Pay and leading its investment in MineralTree, a B2B Payments company. As part of the core innovation and corporate development team, Eric advised business owners and executive leadership on topics of innovation management, competitive analysis and M&A.
Nathan Valentine
Sr Solutions Engineer
Nathan Valentine
Sr Solutions Engineer
Nathan is a Sr Solutions Engineer for HashiCorp, Inc covering the US West Coast. Nathan has a long history of DevOps, Continuous Delivery, and Infrastructure Automation consulting. Nathan comes to HashiCorp, Inc after recent work for a Configuration Management vendor and a Kubernetes vendor and has a particular affinity for HashiCorp’s Nomad cluster management technology.
Justin Eckhouse
VP of Product Development
Justin Eckhouse
VP of Product Development
As VP of Product Development, Justin manages the product, product marketing and design/user experience teams for Haven. Justin’s former career as an engineer and long experience running product teams perfectly position him to drive innovation and ensure that his roadmaps get executed on efficiently and effectively.
Prior to joining Haven, Justin’s career spans both product and engineering management positions in startups and large enterprises alike. Most recently he was VP of Product at Alliance Data Systems whose Conversant unit acquired his video ad platform start up, SET. Before that he was in the consumer space at CBS Interactive where he served as Director of Product managing the video, mobile and emerging platforms portfolio of products.
Justin holds a Bachelor Degree from the University of Oregon where he studied Business Administration with concentrations in Entrepreneurship and Computer Science. -
Tobias Wessels
Senior Vice President
Tobias Wessels
Senior Vice President
Tobias Wessels is ADARA’s Senior Vice President of Business Development based in Palo Alto, CA. Tobi joined the company in early 2012 and established ADARA’s international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, as its first employee in Europe. With his team he closed more than 80 partnerships with the world’s largest travel companies that contributed more than 650 million monthly traveler profiles to the company. Tobi now leads ADARA’s data acquisition group and corporate partnerships to further drive scale of ADARA’s core asset - its actionable data. Prior to joining ADARA, Tobi was CFO at GoogleX, Google’s incubator for moonshot projects including Google Glass, Google’s self-driving cars and project “Loon”. Tobi holds an MBA from the Darden School at the University of Virginia and a Master of Arts in Economics from the Universite de Fribourg, Switzerland.
Ajay Khanna
VP of Marketing
Ajay Khanna
VP of Marketing
Ajay Khanna is the vice president, marketing at Reltio, the creator of data-driven applications. Prior to joining Reltio he held senior positions at Veeva Systems, Oracle and other software companies including KANA, Progress and Amdocs. He holds an MBA in marketing and finance from Santa Clara University
Gabriel Broner
VP and General Manager of High Performance Computing
Gabriel Broner
VP and General Manager of High Performance Computing
With 25 years of experience in the industry, Gabriel has held the roles of operating system architect at Cray, General Manager at Microsoft, Head of Innovation at Ericsson, and Vice President and General Manager of high performance computing at SGI. Gabriel joined Rescale as VP & GM of HPC in July 2017.
Emre Tekisalp
The lead of International Partnerships
Emre Tekisalp
The lead of International Partnerships
Emre leads international partnerships for Coinbase. He is tasked with expanding the company's footprint across the globe to help create an open financial system for the world. He works with financial institutions and technology companies to establish partnerships that make Coinbase's products (Coinbase, GDAX and Toshi) accessible and easy to use.
Gustavo Lemos
Gustavo Lemos
Gustavo Lemos is the co-founder and CEO of Mediar (formerly IDXP), a silicon valley venture backed company that is building the next generation real-time in-store shopper behavior analytics application platform to the brick-and-mortar retail. IDXP won the IBM Smartcamp competition and the IBM Global Entrepreneur of the Year popular vote award in 2012. He has been a passionate entrepreneur since he was 15 years old when he created a Top 100 World Website according to PC Magazine. Mediar is based on his experience as an entrepreneur when he founded and led to market share leadership Redeinova, a successful enterprise software cloud SaaS company for the telecom industry and in retail companies when he established and managed a retail store chain. He is originally trained as a telecom engineer; Post Graduated in Finance in one of the world's top business schools (FDC) and executive educated in Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Maxime Prades
VP of Product & Solutions Engineering
Maxime Prades
VP of Product & Solutions Engineering
Based in San Francisco, Maxime Prades is currently the VP of Product & Solutions Engineering at Algolia, a hosted search API company, where he leverages his experience refining & scaling products that customers will love.Prior to joining Algolia in January 2017, Maxime spent a little under 6 years at Zendesk managing & scaling Product teams. He also oversaw development of the Zendesk Platform - including the APIs, Marketplace, Framework & Mobile SDKs. Prior to Zendesk & Algolia, Maxime worked for PeopleDoc, an enterprise HR software company based out of Paris. Maxime earned his master's degree in Paris at ESCE Business School and is also an investor in Zenly and CloudApp
Kevin Mullen
Director of Business Development, APAC
Kevin Mullen
Director of Business Development, APAC
As Drawbridge's Director of Business Development for APAC, Kevin is responsible for developing key partnerships for Drawbridge's growing data licensing business. Immediately before joining Drawbridge, he oversaw TRUSTe’s Ads business globally, with a specific focus on the company's mobile offerings. Prior to TRUSTe, Kevin was Director of Mobile at Keynote Systems (now Dynatrace), where he worked with clients across the online world to improve the performance of their sites, apps, and ads through the use of mobile performance analytics. He found his passion for big data & analytics at m:metrics (now comScore), where he was employee 11. Kevin graduated from the University of California Berkeley with a degree in Economics.
Todd Thomas
VP of Business Development
Todd Thomas
VP of Business Development
Todd is leading business development, sales and marketing strategies for Zendrive. Todd is a thought leader in emerging trends in mobile products and platforms, and in innovative technologies within transportation, automotive, insurance and logistics. Prior to joining Zendrive, Todd was VP of Business Development at Veyo, a TNC start-up leveraging data analytics to improve patient transportation which he grew from 0 to $150M ARR in two years. He has also worked as VP of Business Development at Total Transit where he led the launch of the first legal ride-share platform in the US. Todd graduated with a BA from Claremont McKenna College and received an MBA and MS in Economics from the W.P. Carey School of Business.
Sunil Thomas
Sunil Thomas
Sunil has worked at some of the most respected technology companies including Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Infospace and Network 18 on the path to developing his position as a seasoned leader in the technology field. He has 25+ years of industry experience and has been CTO at public companies both in the United States and India. He is deeply passionate about applying his knowledge to building great products. In co-founding CleverTap, Sunil’s aim was to satisfy the immense need for innovation in the ever-evolving mobile landscape. Employing CleverTap’s technology, marketers and product owners can gain access to in-depth analytics and the industry’s best customer segmentation tools to better understand and deeply engage with their users resulting in significantly higher retention and lifetime value
Oliver Friedrichs
Oliver Friedrichs
With a remarkable record in building three successful enterprise security companies over the past two decades, Friedrichs serves as the CEO of Phantom. Prior to Phantom, Friedrichs founded Immunet, acquired by Sourcefire in 2010 and a key component to Cisco's $2.7b acquisition of Sourcefire in 2013; now thriving as Cisco's Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) business. Friedrichs co-founded SecurityFocus (Bugtraq) and led DeepSight, the world's first Internet early warning system, acquired by Symantec in 2002, and a recognized leader in security intelligence to this day. He also co-founded Secure Networks and led Ballista (CyberCop), one of the industry’s first vulnerability management solutions, acquired by McAfee in 1998. Friedrichs architected and developed a prototype of the first commercial penetration-testing product, SNIPER, acquired by Core Security Technologies in 2001 and further developed into CORE IMPACT. He attended the University of Manitoba and is the co-author of three security books and recipient of 8 patents.
Alain Revah
VP of Business Development
Alain Revah
VP of Business Development
Alain Revah is VP of Business & Corporate Development at Poshmark, the largest social marketplace for fashion, where anyone can buy, sell and share their style. Alain started his career building digital communities for Amazon, Major League Baseball and About.com at The Well/Delphi Internet. He invested, built and advised a number of startups including FreshPlanet, Stargazer, Parrot, Grey Juice Lab and Ynsect, as well as large companies such as LVMH, Microsoft and Vivendi Universal. He holds two Master’s degrees in Law and International Business Summa Cum Laude from the University of Paris-Sorbonne.
Michael J. Covington, Ph.D.
VP of Product
Michael J. Covington, Ph.D.
VP of Product
Michael leads Wandera’s Product team and is responsible for both defining the product vision and overseeing its delivery to delighted customers. Dr. Covington has over twenty years experience in security research and product development—with roles in academia and industry—including stints at Intel Labs, Cisco Security and Juniper Networks.
Bilal Musharraf
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Bilal Musharraf
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Bilal is the Director of Strategic Partnerships for Edmodo, a global education network that connects all learners with the people and resources they need to reach their full potential. He has experience in both education and financial sectors. Previously he was Dean of Translations at Khan Academy and VP Development for an international network of private schools. His financial background includes working in venture capital and hedge fund management for firms including One Market Capital, ePlanet Ventures and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. Bilal began his career as an actuary.
Gabe Deale
Worldwide VP of Sales Engineering
Gabe Deale
Worldwide VP of Sales Engineering
Gabe joined Cylance in 2014, where he’s rapidly expanded the worldwide sales engineering team. Prior to Cylance, Gabe spent over 14 years in the channel and developing startups. He’s held consulting, sales engineering, SE leadership and consulting leadership roles. Within many of these organizations, he established the role and was the first to serve in it. He was one of the first 20 employees at Accuvant (now Optiv Security), a multi-billion dollar security consulting firm. The channel provided a unique vantage point from which to watch the industry evolve. As early machine-learning technologies grew out of big-data challenges, he realized it was the advent of a paradigm shift. He believes it is the only hope for the security industry, as it is the only technology capable of processing huge amounts of data and learning from it to make better autonomous decisions. This technology, combined with the opportunity to work with trailblazers willing to embrace it, drew him to his current role.
Lawrence Kosick
VP of Global Accounts
Sight Machine
Lawrence Kosick
VP of Global Accounts
Sight Machine
Lawrence Kosick is VP of Global Accounts (APAC) for Sight Machine. His background includes over 20 years of experience in mobile, big data, IoT & enterprise partnerships. Lawrence has been a founding member and had senior leadership roles at both start-up and large technology companies with extensive experience at launching and expanding businesses into Asian markets.
David Barden
Regional Sales Manager
David Barden
Regional Sales Manager
David boasts a career of over 10 years successfully selling technology and business software applications to large global enterprises. Joining PlanGrid in 2015, he's helped bring awareness and adoption of technology to the construction industry. David holds a degree in Finance and Spanish from Notre Dame.
Mike Kim
General Manager, Japan
Orbital Insight
Mike Kim
General Manager, Japan
Orbital Insight
As General Manager of Japan at Orbital Insight, Mike’s primary role is to lead the Japan business. He oversees all sales, business development, partner management, and customer delivery for the Japan market. Previously, Mike was a founding enterprise sales team member at Dialpad (Google Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz), a cloud-based unified communications technology company where he helped grow the US and international business. Prior to Dialpad, Mike joined Keith Ferrazzi (CMO of Deloitte and Starwood Hotels and author of “Never Eat Alone”) as a Managing Director at Ferrazzi Greenlight, a management consulting firm providing professional services to Fortune 500 companies. Mike has roots at Deloitte Consulting where he was one of the leads for the Palantir relationship and oversaw Big Data projects using the analytics tool. At the firm, he founded a group applying technology and analytics to social issues such as anti-human trafficking and human rights. He’s passionate about applying technology to solve some of today’s global challenges and issues. Prior to his business career, he volunteered for 4-years at the China-North Korea border helping North Korean refugees and human trafficking victims.
Day 1 | 2017.11.28(火) 日本語(同時通訳なし) |
9:30 - 10:00 | 登録・朝食 |
10:00 - 10:05 | 運営挨拶
10:05 - 10:15 | 開会挨拶
10:15 - 11:00 | 基調講演
11:00 - 11:15 | 休憩 |
11:15 - 12:00 |
12:00 - 13:00 | ランチ&ネットワーキング |
13:00 - 13:45 |
13:45 - 14:30 | 基調講演
14:30 - 14:50 | 休憩 |
14:50 - 15:35 | パネルディスカッション
15:35 - 16:20 | パネルディスカッション
16:20 - 16:40 | 休憩 |
16:40 - 17:25 |
17:25 - 17:30 | 閉会 |
Day 2 | 2017.11.29(水) 英語(同時通訳あり) |
8:00 - 8:30 | 登録・朝食 |
8:30 - 8:45 |
8:45 - 9:05 |
9:05 - 9:45 |
【日米コラボ注目事例 Part 1】
9:45 - 9:55 | 休憩 |
9:55 - 10:35 |
【日米コラボ注目事例 Part 2】
10:35 - 10:45 | 休憩 |
10:45 - 11:35 | スタートアップトーク
11:35 - 11:45 | 休憩 |
11:45 - 12:30 | スタートアップトーク
12:30 - 14:00 | ランチ&ネットワーキング |
14:00 - 16:50 |
16:50 - 16:55 | 閉会 |
$140 million調達 -
$16 million調達 -
$229 million調達 -
$16 million調達 -
$113 million調達 -
$74.2 million調達 -
$30 million調達 -
$34 million調達 -
$14 million調達 -
$53.7 million調達 -
$46 million調達 -
$67 million調達 -
法人向けのクラウド型MDM(Master Data Management)プラットフォーム
$72 million調達 -
$32 million調達 -
$22.7 million調達 -
$9.6 million調達 -
$34 million調達 -
$53.5 million調達 -
$77.5 million調達 -
$217.2 million調達 -
$66 million調達 -
$30 million調達 -
$66 million調達 -
$74 million調達 -
$20 million調達 -
$177 million調達 -
Private -
$78.7 million調達 -
$30.5 million調達 -
$20 million調達 -
$35.3 million調達 -
GNSS (全球測位衛星システム)を使用した位置情報測定モジュール・ハードウェア
$47.6 million調達 -
$3.5 million調達 -
$16.2 million調達 -
$20,7 million調達 -
$95.1 million調達 -
$23 million調達 -
$24.3 million調達 -
$11 million調達 -
$47.5 million調達 -
$12.85 million調達 -
$12.98 million調達 -
$12.5 million調達 -
$94.05 milllion調達 -
$11.5 milllion調達 -
$70 milllion調達 -
Iotを含む様々なアプリケーションに対応するSD-WAN / Securityプラットフォーム
$43.35 million調達 -
$15 million調達 -
$133 million調達 -
$49.5 million調達 -
$21 milllion調達 -
$182 million調達 -
$69.5 million調達 -
$10.2 million調達 -
$59.1 million調達
StartX スタートアップ一覧
$6.5 million調達 -
再生可能な資源から、化学素材 (ナイロンなど)を合成するバイオテクノロジー
$0.35 million調達 -
Undisclosed -
Undisclosed -
Undisclosed -
Undisclosed -
$0.49 million調達 -
$10 million調達 -
Undisclosed -
$13 million調達 -
$0.165 million調達
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